Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Evaluation Blog


I was assigned to complete a TV advert and a radio advert. For the TV advert we had to get in groups of 4 and go out and film a 30 second advert for a chosen product. My groups product was an apple watch, myself and the group decided this was a good idea as we all had an interest in the watch. We then had to complete our pre-production in order to go out and film our advert. Myself and the group went into many different locations and filmed different types of shots, some of our locations was, the towns center, college studio rooms and the gym. After we had got our shots we then went back into college and put them onto the computer, putting them into many different folders. I then went through the shots we had got and chose the ones that fitted me best, i then took these clips and used Adobe Premier to edit. I then started to edit by cutting clips and putting them in a non-chronological order. I then got some background music from Freesounds.org, the music i got was a calm gentle song that went well with my shots. After all this my group and i selected the best one of the group and presented it to James, we then discussed the things we did wrong and the things we did well, we then took in this information for ourselves in future projects.

The technical aspects of this task was the equipment and everything we used to produce our work. The equipment we used was a Lumix camera and a tripod stand. With the Lumix camera we had it on an auto setting which allowed our shots to be the best possible standard with no random strobe of lighting or any kind of effects that would affect our shots. We also used the tripod stand to get steady shots and make them look professional. In our advert some of our shots were hand held to get a certain angle we wanted, we took many different kind of shots such as, close ups, establishing shots, long shots and extreme close ups. Our main shot type was close up, as we thought doing this would show the most detail of the watch and make it obvious to the audience that it was about the watch. Another piece of equipment we used was a Zoom microphone, we used this because in one of our shots there is a quick interview describing the watch and how it is used, we thought using the Zoom microphone would be a good idea because it would give us the best sound quality and would come out a lot more clear than the Lumix microphone, after recording the interview we would upload it to Adobe Audition and listen to it, i would then cut parts of the interview i didn't need. In our TV advert we used the colleges studio for a more professional looking background, in the studio we used the lights in there to make the shot clear and real, we placed the lights around us and the apple watch to make it very clear to the audience what it was and to ensure they knew what we was advertising. 

When i was using the equipment i was well prepared on knowing what i had to do and how to use things. When it came to using the actual camera itself i was already able to know how to change the settings and what settings was best, i was fully capable of using the camera and i knew how everything worked. When it came to using the tripods i was a bit confused on how to set it up as i had never used/set one up before, after James showing the class how to set it up i then went ahead and set one up myself. Myself and the group then went out and used it for filming our advert. 

In this task i learnt how to use/setup a tripod. Before being assigned this task i had no knowledge of how to use a tripod or how to set one up, being taught in class and taking notes i was able to do this afterwards. In this task i also learnt the different settings on the Lumix and what they meant/did, with this i then tested the different settings and chose what was best for me. With the Lumix camera i also learnt how to mount it on the tripod stand and how to make the tripod stand an equal level. After being taught how to do all this i then went out and filmed my advert. Another thing i have learnt in this task is how to use Adobe Premier, before this i had never heard of Adobe Premier which made me more interested in it. With Adobe Premier i was taught how to add my clips, cut clips, add sound and add sound effects. I had learnt this by taking note of a step by step guide i had been given.

Part of the task i would like to know more about is Adobe Premier. I would like to explore and find out other things you can do in Adobe Premier as i had very little knowledge in my last project. I would also like to know more about the Lumix camera, i would like to know more about this because i think it would be beneficial for me to know what im working with. I also think it would be good for me to know more about the camera as i could produce better work and explore & experiment with different settings. Another thing i would like to know more about is different equipment in the studio, when i was in the studio filming my TV advert there was lots of different equipment i had never seen before, i would like to know what everything is and what it all does. I think this would be beneficial for me as i am interested in media and would like to know what im working with.

I am going to find out more about this by doing future projects. By this i mean, in my future projects i will find out more by playing around with my equipment more and going through the settings e.g the Lumix camera. In Adobe Premier i am going to find out more about it by exploring the different settings and using different effects. In the studio i am going to find out more by using other equipment such as the green screen. I feel like using the green screen and putting a background onto and making a successful piece of work would be a good thing to accomplish.

The feedback i received of my teacher was good, myself and the group received positive feedback when we presented it to James. The feedback on the advert itself was very good as we got many compliments on our shots types and movements, we got feedback on our shots being nice and clear. The group and i also got feedback on the story of the advert, we got told that it was very clear what we was advertising and that was good to hear as we spent a lot of time on story boarding and idea-ring. We got a bit of negative feedback on our pre-production as we was missing things out of it, we didn't let this get to us too much as it was our very first time doing it and our advert itself was very good for a first project. Myself and the group did take it into consideration for our future projects.

Many things in my groups project went well. Our ideas of the project and advert went well because we chose the apple watch and it is a product i have on my everyday and a product we all are interested in. It was important i had it on me everyday so that we didn't miss any days out on filming and could get all the shots we needed when ever we wanted. The ideas of the advert went well because we all already had an idea of what we wanted to do before we did it. This was good because we wasn't struggling on what shots to shoot or where to shoot the shots. We then did a presentation for our Apple watch advert explaining to James and showing him our ideas and plans for the advert, James was happy with what we came up with and was happy for us to go filming. The shots in the Apple advert also went well as they were very clear shots and they looked very good for our first time, i think our shots was a main thing that went well for us because it is important for shots to be good in any advert. Our shots was good because some of them was hand held and wasn't shaky, our audio was another thing that went well because in some of the shots we was right behind the camera and you couldn't hear any breathing or rustling.

The things that didn't go too well in our TV advert was the pre-production. This didn't go too well as we forgot some of the things we needed and didn't realise until we got to showing James. Another thing that didn't go well was that one of my group members lost his work and had to record some of the shots again.

I will use the things i have learnt in my future tasks by making sure i have everything i need. This mainly being the pre-production as it is the most important part for every project you do. In my future tasks i will use the skills i have developed in Adobe Premier and ensure i explore different ways on how to edit. I will also develop my camera skills and make sure they are improving in future tasks.

In this task i developed my maths skills by timing the different shots and making sure they were enough to fit the 30 second budget. I also used my maths skills to cut the different clips and making sure they were the right length. I used my English skills by planning out the pre-production and making sure the script made sense and had the correct grammar in the correct places. I also used my English skills to write out a little script that Emily had to read out in the advert.

Next time what i would do differently is to make sure the pre-production is right and make sure we have everything before going of filming. What i would also do next time is film my projects in better places and make sure the right environment was around.

Radio Ad

Myself and three other people was assigned to do a radio ad, myself and the group all came up with different ideas on what we could do our radio advert about. We all then looked at each others and decided what we liked best, we all decided and agreed on doing a radio advert about street dance. This idea was very random but we gave it a go, we decided that street dance was a very rare and different thing for society these days. We thought it would be good to do something different and original. I created a power point for our radio ad which included our other ideas and our final idea, the power point i created also had information on what we would be talking about and why we chose it. Myself and the group then all wrote out a script on what our radio ad would say, we all finished our scripts and read each others to see what we all preferred. My script was the one that the group decided on and we went with that, we made a few changes to the script to ensure everybody was satisfied with it. We then went ahead and got our equipment we needed, the group members went into the recording studios and separate times and record our script we had wrote. After recording ourselves with the microphone we took notes down on how many seconds it took and if we had messed up or not.

The technical aspects we used was a Zoom microphone and some headphones. We used a Zoom microphone as they produce the best sound quality, we took the Zoom microphone into the recording studio and recorded our script. We used the recording studio to record our scripts as it was very calm and a quiet environment to be in, we needed the background to be as silent as possible so the radio advert sound good and professional. We used the headphones with the Zoom microphone so that we could playback our recording and make sure there wasn't and disruption going on. The settings we used on the Zoom microphone was a one way recording setting so that the microphone only picked up noise in the direction of us.

The technical elements of this was learning how to use the microphones. We was taught by Rob how to use the microphones and how to change the different settings on the microphone. I also learnt how to use Adobe Audition and how to upload my recordings to it. Before this i had never used Adobe Audition so it was new to me, from me taking notes in class i was able to go back to Adobe Audition and do the basics of it. In Adobe audition i was taught how to cut sounds to make them shorter and also taught how to make sounds fade in and out. I also learnt in Adobe Audition how to add sound effects in the background, i also learnt how to get music from the internet and upload them onto my project.

In the task i learnt how to use Adobe Audition and learnt how to work the microphones. Before this i had no clue about Adobe Audition or Zoom microphones, i had never used either of them before. In Adobe Audition i learnt how to add sound effects and fade sounds in and out. In this task i also learnt how to work the Zoom microphones, i was taught how to make the Zoom microphone pick up sounds from two different areas at once, i also learnt how to playback the recordings to make sure they were right. Another thing i learnt in Adobe Audition was to get sounds of the internet and upload them onto my project, i then used the fading effects i learnt to make the music fade in at the start and fade out at the end.

Part of the task i would like to know more about is Adobe Audition, i would like to know more about this as i only knew very little things and the basics. I feel like knowing more about Adobe Audition would be helpful for myself and future projects. I would also like to know a little bit more about the microphones as i only knew a few things, i would like to know all the other settings it has and i would like to know what other things it is capable of.

I think the task was successful as i was new to everything and i wasn't fully aware of everything at first. I think it was successful because i had never used Adobe Audition and it was my first time using it, the final piece of work i came out with wasn't too bad and didn't sound awful. I was happy with my final piece as i thought it was a good first attempt and others said they liked it. I also think it came out successful because i had never used a Zoom microphone before and had no idea what i was working with until being taught. I thought using the Zoom was successful as i didn't mess any settings up, another reason it was successful because i successfully uploaded the recordings to Adobe Audition and got everything to work.

The feedback i received was a mixture of positive and negative. Everybody in the class and their recordings played out a few times to the whole class and the class then reviewed it on a word document, we then sent the document over to the individual for them to read. The feedback i got was a mixture as it was from the full class, the feedback i got wasn't too bad and i was happy with what everyone said. I was happy with what people said as it was my first time so it didn't bother me that much. There was lots of positive feedback from both Rob and the class, they all gave me advice and little adjustments i could do to make it a little better.

I think what went well was my final product, i think it went well because it wasn't too much and wasn't too little. I was happy with my final product and what i ended up with as it was my first time doing something like this and i was happy with what i produced. I also think it went well because i used the Zoom microphone well and adapted to it very fast. Another thing i thought went well was me using Adobe Audition, as i had never used it before and i came out with a decent product.

In this i used my maths skills to calculate the seconds and make sure they didn't drag out too long, i also used my maths skills to cut down the recordings to the right seconds and ensure they included everything i needed. I used my English skills by writing out the script we needed to say our advert, i had to write a script out for myself and the group to read and record so we could edit the radio ad. This required my English skills as i had to ensure the spelling, punctuation and grammar was correct for the group to read.

Genre case study

Genre case study 

Genre research: Thriller
A thriller film usually consists of a battle between the protagonist and the antagonist, when there is a disruption in the equilibrium. Then the story/film consists of bad events that builds tension and suspense for the climax, the aim of the protagonist is to restore things back to normality, whilst the antagonist seeks to destroy it.

Our short film will be about a girl named Emily who has a friend called Jade. Emily and Jade were best friends for a long time when Jade tragically dies, Emily is certain that Jade is still alive which is why Emily still 'talks' to her and still believes she is alive. Emily visits a therapy for treatment and see if she can get better, Jade doesn't like the fact Emily is getting help and being treated in which way Jade tries to prevent this in any way she can.

Conventions of a thriller
  • Montage of shots
  • Shadows 
  • Tension music
  • Changes in angle of shots
  • Black and white shots
  • Quick cuts
  • Low key lighting
  • Sounds of heavy breathing 
Character types

The protagonist usually includes a brave person who seeks to restore the equilibrium 
The antagonist normally will have a secret/hidden identity, this identity will usually be discovered as the film progresses and the antagonist usually seeks revenge from a past event.

Mise en scene 
The location in films is important for the audience to understand what genre the film is and also to help them figure out what it could be about. The location in our film will be based in parks, bedrooms and offices. This is to give the audience the mental/disturbed thoughts of the characters.

Costumes in these genre of films are dark, dirty ripped clothes, these type of clothes are usually on the antagonist to give them a scary horror look, and to point out to the audience who is good and who is bad. The protagonist normally wears everyday clothes just to simply show the audience they are the 'normal one' and to tell them that they are the protagonist.

Makeup and hairstyles are another important thing for films simply because it easily tells the audience who is who and who is good and who is bad. The antagonists makeup & hairstyles are usually dark coloured makeup and messy/dark hair, this is to point out to the audience and let them know who is who. The protagonist is usually a normal looking person, who has nice/neat looked after hair with no makeup.

History & Development

In 1926 Alfred Hitchcock released his first thriller 'The Lodger'. a silent thriller that followed a Jack The Ripper plot. The thriller movies released in this time period could be said to be the most thriller films produced, they used techniques that are widely recognized as the codes and conventions of the thriller genre. Through the repetition of the codes and conventions, it is now clear to any audience if a film fits into the thriller genre.

Thrillers in the 1940s
In the 1940s Hitchcock continued to release suspense-thrillers:
Foreign correspondent (1940)
Rebecca (1940)
Saboteur (1942)
Shadow of a doubt (1943)

George Cukors directed psychological thriller called 'Gaslight' in 1944

Thriller films (1950)
In the 1950s Alfred Hitchcock made a massive change to the thriller genre. He added technicolour to his thrillers, they were no longer in black and white. He also added a touch of glamour to his films, by casting ice blondes to play the leading ladies.

Hitchcock films in the 50s

  • Stranger on a train (1951)
  • Dial M for murder (1954)
  • Rear window (1954)
  • To catch a thief (1955)
  • Vertigo (1958)

Other films released in the 1950s-1960s 

  • The nigh of the hunter (1955) - Charles Laughton
  • Touch of evil (1958) - Orson Welles 
  • Cape fear (1962) J. Lee Thompson 
Through the use of repetition, these thriller films continue to set down the basic codes and conventions used when creating a thriller film.

Thrillers (1970 - 1980s)
Thriller films in this era began to edge closer to the horror genre, adding violence to the mix, while maintaining the clear difference between two genres.

Thriller films released in this era
  • Frenzy (1972) Alfred Hitchcock 
  • Duel (1971) Steven Spielberg 
  • Play Misty for me (1972) Clint Eastwood 
  • Deliverance (1971) Clint Eastwood 
  • Dont look now (1973) Nicolas Roeg
Thrillers in the 1990s 

  • Misery (1990) Rob Reiner
  • Sleeping with the enemy (1991)
  • The hand that rocks the cradle (1992) Curtis Hanson 
  • Unlawful Entry (1992) 
  • Single white female (1992) Barbet Schroeder
  • Malice (1993) Harold Becker 
  • The talented Mr Ripley (1999) Anthony Minghella 
Thrillers in the 21st century
 During the 21st century the thriller genre moved closer towards the horror genre. Films contained more blood and gore deaths. Also combining codes and conventions of action movies. Instead of re-using plots from old thriller movies, they decided to modernise the plots. They did this by adding plots that involved government conspiracy, terrorism and large world-wide issues

  • Eden lake (2008)
  • The last house on the left (2009)
  • P2 (2007) 
  • Captivity (2007)
  • Funny games (2008)
  • Ride (2001)
  • Unknown (2011)
  • Hostage (2005) 
  • Cellular (2006)
  • A history of violence (2005)
  • Firewall (2006)
Alfred Hitchcock 
Hitchcock played a massive part in the development of the thriller genre. His first film 'The Lodger' was the basis for all thriller films, he introduced many of the codes and conventions still used today. His film 'Vertigo' a famous thriller continued to use the classic elements that created a good thriller film. His films contained many 'thrills' throughout and often ended with a shock twist.

Alfred Hitchcock is famous for his direction and production of classic thrillers. He has a distinct way of filming, using the cinematography to extenuate the emotions and create suspense, tension and anticipation.

Key changes to the Thriller Genre 
Over the course of time there have been many changes made to the genre. For example the stereotypical plots, although still used, have a modern twist. Often including situations relevant to modern society. For example 'Unknown' or 'Taken', including government or terrorist based plots. As time progressed, music and sounds were used too 'Heighten the viewers mood', too make them feel tense and to create suspense.

Lighting and colour also became available to the directors, this allowed them to used dark, shadowing lighting to emphasis the dark side to characters.

Key players in thriller films
  • Actors 
  • Directors 
  • Producers 

Frank Grillo is well known for being the main character in 'The Purge' he is shown as being a hero, brave and noble. In this film he comes across many different challenges and tasks he has to do. The films story is basically about one night a year in america where all crime is legal, this meaning people going out to murder and others hiding to survive. Frank Grillos part in the film is to get revenge on someone who killed his son. This relates to thriller as it always keeps you on edge and wondering what happens next, it can also relate to thriller as there is lots of blood and violence during the film.

Dylan O'Brien is also known for starring in the films 'Maze runner' and 'Maze runner the scorch trails'. In this film Dylan O'Brein is the main character and presented as the "leader", he is shown as very brave and loyal to his friends. In the film he is known for peoples hope of getting out, the film involves lots of violent deaths and a battle between the good and bad.


Brain De Palma is a well known american director and screenwriter. He is considered as part of the new hollywood wave of film making. In a career spanning over 40 years, he is best known for his suspense, psychological thriller and crime films. Brain De Palma was the director of the film 'Passion' in 2012.

Target Audience
The target audience for most thriller films are 18+, this is because they include lots of violence and psychological issues which can be disturbing for many young viewers. There are usually warnings on the DVD covers or at start of the films which states why they are rated that age and tells them that it contains extreme violence or sexual scenes etc.

The target audience of our film will be aiming around 16-18 males and females who enjoy thriller films.  

Films with similar target audience

'Vacancy' directed by Nimrod Antal
'Memento' directed by Christopher Nolan
'Fatal Attraction' directed by Adrian Lyne
'Rear Window' directed by Mary Harron

This research will inform in our own film as it is a thriller film and it will be aimed to the same target audience as many other thriller films. This research will be helpful for our film because we have researched the different story lines that are used in thriller films and what kind of camera angles we have to use. I have also researched good actors that are featured in thriller films and what part they do so it gives me an idea of the characters i want in my film. The main research i did was codes and conventions of thriller films, i thought it would be helpful to research this as it would tell me the important things i need in my film and i would know what to include in my film.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Recording & Editing radio advert

In today's lesson i recorded my script that i had wrote with the group, i went into the recording studio and did many takes of trying to get the perfect one, i then wrote down on a sheet of paper i had been given to record and note down the information that i needed to prove that i had done it. I then went back to my computer and put that recordings onto it, i then put my recordings on Adobe audition to edit, i edited my script with a mix of mine and Daniels voice with music playing in the background. 

The equipment i used was a Zoom recorder and recorded with it in a recording studio, i then used one of the computers in the class room to edit on Adobe Audition. The technical elements i used were knowing how to use the recorder and knowing this by Rob teaching me in class, i also was taught how to use Adobe audition and used that to edit my recordings, i was also able to know this from the notes i had took in class and referred back to them when i was editing. In the task i learnt how to use the recorders and knowing the basic things about them, i also learnt how to edit on Adobe audition, and make a final piece of work out of it. The part of the task i would like to know more about is more information on how to edit on Adobe Audition, i would like to know more about this so i can experiment and explore different elements of the software, i also think it would be useful for me as i would be using it again in the future. The task was successful as my final piece came out good and i was happy with it as it was my first time using and editing on Adobe Audition. 

The feedback i received from my group was positive and good as they liked it and was happy with the end result. What i think went well was my result at the end of my work, i was happy with it and think it went well because it was my first time using and editing on Adobe Audition, i did many basic things and didn't make it too complicated and was happy with my result. 

I used my Maths and English by writing out the script and typing it up on the computer, i also used my English skills by writing down what i had said, i used my Maths skills by calculating the times and seconds i needed to fit into my recordings, i also used my maths skills in my editing to make sure my seconds were right in the recording and wasn't too long. What i would do differently next time is my final product will be a better piece of work as i will have had more experience with the software and will know more about it. Myself and the group came up with a street dance idea, we came up with this idea as we thought that street dance is a rare thing and more people need to know more about it. We thought that it would be a good idea to advertise street dance as it is something different compared to the other groups ideas, the group and i wasn't sure on this idea at first as we thought it would be hard to advertise it, we worked our way around it and made it work in the end. We all came up with a script and read each others out after we had finished them, we then all decided as a group to go with my script and use mine as the advertisement, we made a few changes and adjustments to the script and made it even better. 

We then went into the recording studios one by one and each recorded our own version of the script, after that we then put them onto the computer and edited them into our own versions. I think the final piece came out successful as it was something different and we made it work.

Monday, 17 October 2016

Apple Watch advert project

in today's lesson myself and the group went out and filmed some shots for our Apple Watch advert. We went into the town center and filmed some shots there. the equipment we used was a lumix camera and a tripod, we used the tripod to get the best still looking shots, we used the lumix camera to get good quality shots for our advert. The settings we used on the camera was auto focus so that it automatically focused onto the shot and didn't go blurry. In the task we learnt how to use the tripod in many different positions and record our best shots with it, we also learnt how to record good shots with different angles. What i would like to know more about is different settings on the camera and how they work. I am going to find out more about the camera by experimenting with different settings and different angles. The task was successful because we got lots of good shots and we was all happy with the outcome. We used our English and Maths skills by planning out the time and seconds used in different shots, we also used our English skills by talking and planning out our project. What i would do differently next time is change location for the project, as the set location for this task didn't really fit in with what we was advertising. One of the things that didn't go well was some of our shots we filmed, some of these wasn't successful as their was shadows in the background and other noises that disturbed the footage. this is good because we will use this as a lesson for next time we do a project and not make the same mistake.Looking at the grading criteria i think that i have passed with a silver as i dont think i did too good but i also think that i didn't too bad.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Apple Watch Presentation

In today's session we did a presentation on the Apple Watch. In the presentation we discussed how the Apple Watch can be used and what it is capable of. We discussed as a group on how we would present the Apple Watch and how we would like to advertise it. In the group we also discussed the types of people that may want to buy and use the Apple Watch, we also talked about the different places we would film and how we would present the watch, we talked about the different types of shots we would use to make the watch presentable. We designed a power point about the Apple Watch and putting information about it, we then went into a different room to present the power point on record and explain our ideas on how we would advertise the Apple Watch. Me and my group also came up with a group name called 'Digital Initiatives' and then designed a logo for it. After we had finished our presentation we got lots of feedback on how we could improve the presentation, such as making eye contact at all times to show the audience we are speaking directly to them, we also got feedback to us about sounding enthusiastic and making movements during the presentation so it didn't bore the audience. The task we did came out successful as we got lots of positive feedback and our power point had a nice simple layout and stood out with the different transitions. What my group and i learnt from this task was to be more presentable and make more eye contact, we also learnt to speak loud and clear, this will be helpful for future tasks as we wont have any mistakes for next time and will know what we have to include to make it successful.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Using the recorders blog

In this blog i am going to be comparing the two different recorders for
  • sound quality 
  • ease of use
  • positives and negatives of each
I am going to start of by talking about the Zoom recorder, the Zoom recorder is a good and easy recorder to use and understand. The Zoom has many positives to it, a positive of the Zoom recorder is that it is easy to work and understand the different settings. The sound quality of the Zoom is very good and picks up high quality sound, the Zoom has a good distance range on it and can be used from a far distance. The Zoom can pick up the quietest and the loudest of sounds. A negative effect on the Zoom can be the battery, the battery of the Zoom didn't seem to last very long and turned off just after we finished using it. This can be a negative because you would have to wait for it to charge if you wanted to use it again that day. I will now start to talk about the 2nd recorder we used, the 2nd recorder we used was very easy to use and very understandable, the 2nd recorder was easy to start up and get going recording, another positive about this recorder is that the sound quality was very good and sounded good when playing it back. Another positive about this recorder is that it was easy to stop recording and easy starting it back up, this recorder picked up some good sound quality it loud and quiet places, it also picked up people talking which sounded very clear when played back. Overall the two recorders were very good and easy to use, i prefer the Zoom as i found it easier to use and understand and i also enjoy
Image result for zoom recorder
using it and exploring the different settings.  

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

My first college blog

I want to do TV/Film because it is something i am interested in and after i have finished finished i would like to get a job doing something in the media industry.

In the course i am looking forward to meeting new people and learning more about TV/Film, i am looking forward to uses different editing skills and working on different projects and learning how everything works in TV/Film

The skills i would like to learn are team work skills, communication skills, problem solving and leadership, i think these skills will be beneficial to me when finding a job. i also think these skills would be beneficial to have as you will be able to lead and communicate with different groups of people and would be helpful for others that don't have them.

The kind of roles i would want is using different types of editing and working on different camera angles and seeing how they would work/look in the shot.

The products i would like to make would be a short film as it would be good to use different editing software and learning how other software works. Another product i would like to do is making a film trailer as it would require me getting people to act and would require me working on the types of shots and making them look good when editing.

The things i am nervous about is working with new people and getting things wrong and having to start again.

I hope to achieve on the course is knowing how to edit things and knowing how to use the software, i would also like to achieve lots of different skills as it would help me and look good when applying for a job.

After the course has finished i would like to go out and apply for a job in the Media industry and use the different skills and editing techniques i have used.