Sunday, 11 September 2016

Using the recorders blog

In this blog i am going to be comparing the two different recorders for
  • sound quality 
  • ease of use
  • positives and negatives of each
I am going to start of by talking about the Zoom recorder, the Zoom recorder is a good and easy recorder to use and understand. The Zoom has many positives to it, a positive of the Zoom recorder is that it is easy to work and understand the different settings. The sound quality of the Zoom is very good and picks up high quality sound, the Zoom has a good distance range on it and can be used from a far distance. The Zoom can pick up the quietest and the loudest of sounds. A negative effect on the Zoom can be the battery, the battery of the Zoom didn't seem to last very long and turned off just after we finished using it. This can be a negative because you would have to wait for it to charge if you wanted to use it again that day. I will now start to talk about the 2nd recorder we used, the 2nd recorder we used was very easy to use and very understandable, the 2nd recorder was easy to start up and get going recording, another positive about this recorder is that the sound quality was very good and sounded good when playing it back. Another positive about this recorder is that it was easy to stop recording and easy starting it back up, this recorder picked up some good sound quality it loud and quiet places, it also picked up people talking which sounded very clear when played back. Overall the two recorders were very good and easy to use, i prefer the Zoom as i found it easier to use and understand and i also enjoy
Image result for zoom recorder
using it and exploring the different settings.  

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