Tuesday, 6 September 2016

My first college blog

I want to do TV/Film because it is something i am interested in and after i have finished finished i would like to get a job doing something in the media industry.

In the course i am looking forward to meeting new people and learning more about TV/Film, i am looking forward to uses different editing skills and working on different projects and learning how everything works in TV/Film

The skills i would like to learn are team work skills, communication skills, problem solving and leadership, i think these skills will be beneficial to me when finding a job. i also think these skills would be beneficial to have as you will be able to lead and communicate with different groups of people and would be helpful for others that don't have them.

The kind of roles i would want is using different types of editing and working on different camera angles and seeing how they would work/look in the shot.

The products i would like to make would be a short film as it would be good to use different editing software and learning how other software works. Another product i would like to do is making a film trailer as it would require me getting people to act and would require me working on the types of shots and making them look good when editing.

The things i am nervous about is working with new people and getting things wrong and having to start again.

I hope to achieve on the course is knowing how to edit things and knowing how to use the software, i would also like to achieve lots of different skills as it would help me and look good when applying for a job.

After the course has finished i would like to go out and apply for a job in the Media industry and use the different skills and editing techniques i have used.

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